Universal Semi Automatic Wirebonder - F&S Bondtec
The new 56XX series has the most flexible machines on the market. They are easy to use and program, high level of automation in the machine makes them the perfect choice for prototype manufacturing, small series and repairs.
- Changing of Bondhead in 1-2 minutes
- Motordriven in all axes x, y, z and p
- Programable for automation
- Ball-Wedge bondhead
- Wedge-Wedge bondhead
- Deep Access Wedge bondhead
- Thick wire bondhead
- Fully automatic pull/shear teste
- Pulltest- Sheartest- och Peeltestheads

5630 - Wirebonder - Wedge-wedge
Wedge/wedge bonder and pull/shear tester combined in one machine. Bridges the gap between manual and automatic bonders from F&S Bondtec. 360o rotating peasant head. Al / Au wire from 17.5 up to 75µm, 60 or 100KHz ultrasonic system, working range 100x100mm, Z stroke of rotating head 60mm, integrated PC with 15 ”TFT flat screen, heat control and various holders for work. Microscope camera with crosshairs for the selected target and programming.
- 5630_EN.pdf 649 KB

5650 - Heavy wireBonder
Inom några minuter, utan verktyg eller justeringar, är Bondern omvandlad till en pull/shear-testare. Bondade delar kan testas omedelbart.
Bondtrådar från 100-500µm i tjocklek för kraftapplikationer eller där man behöver
större strömmar.
Within a few minutes, without tools or adjustments, Bondern is transformed into a pull / shear tester. Bonded parts can be tested immediately. Bonding threads from 100-500µm in thickness for power applications or where higher current is needed.
- 5650_EN.pdf 660 KB