Laser Welding - Amada Weld Tech
To create these welds, the laser beam is tightly focused on the parts. The very high energy density in the laser focus melts the materials to solidify when the laser pulses are terminated.
- Contactless method makes it possible to weld in difficult to reach places
- None or a very small deformation
- High speeds (up to 500 welds/ second)
- Small heat impact because the Laser beam is small and the Laser pulses is short( 1ms-50ms)
- Possibilities to perform very small welds (0,05mm in thinn materials)
Fiber Laser Welds
Fiber Laser Welds
- Welding without thermal effect on objective
- The closed system controls the effect stably.
- Small focus with longer focal length.
- Possibility of three optical fiber outputs.
- All-in-one design makes it easy to intergrate in a production line
For precision point and seam welding, a powerful pulsed Nd: YAG laser is used. In this type of laser, there is a lamp or fiber that provides energy to create a laser beam using a Neodium doped YAG crystal. The generated laser pulse has a high peak power in the range 0.5 to 8kW needed during the welding process.
Our advanced laser welds uses a "closed loop" -control where the produced laser output can be measured and compared with the determined pulse shape. Any deviations are automatically corrected in each laser pulse resulting in superior weld with high reproducibility. Our pulsating Nd: YAG laser welds use optical fibers to transfer the laser beam to the workpiece. A laser source can be distributed to multiple fibers to support multiple machines or solely to weld with one machine. The combination of fiber diameter, focusing optics and laser parameters determines the result of the weld. Finding the optimal laser setting is something our laser engineers do in our development lab.
Different types of Fiber Laser Welds
YAG-Laser Welds
Our comprehensive laser welding range consists of more than 10 different pulsed Nd: YAG lasers which processes various applications from micropoint welding to high speed aluminum seam welding. For precision point and seam welding, powerful pulsed Nd: YAG laser is usually used. In this type of laser, there is a lamp or fiber that provides energy to create a laser using a Neodium doped YAG crystal. The generated laser pulse has a high peak power in the range 0.5 to 8kW needed during the welding process.
Different types of Yag Laser Welds
Seam welding of sheet metal, plastic welding and cutting.
Green Pulse Laser Welds
Green laser is used to weld copper and gold because these materials reflect a lot, and they are known to be difficult to weld. With green laser, 532nm wavelength, light is absorbed 4.5-20 times better than at 1064nm which is the usual wavelength.