F & K Delvotec Ultrasonic-Laserbonder – Raising the curtain on a completely new technology

- The completely new process, based on laser micro-welding, is particularly suitable for joining bonding wire onto battery terminals and onto DCB substrates and copper terminals in power electronics modules. With Ultrasonic-laser bonding the application of ribbon bonding for much higher currents is accomplished

A robust process enables simple and cost-efficient electronic manufacturing
Ultrasonic-Laser bonding, offering aluminium and copper wire to be bonded onto DCB substrates and copper terminals not only expands the application area of bonding technology, it is also more robust than conventional wire bonding.
The demands made on surface quality and cleaning processes are lower and, at the same time, the requirement for absolutely immovable work pieces is no longer a show-stopper for zero-fault-production.
This allows secure and flexible connections of the terminals in battery manufacture and make the handling of connector strips superfluous.

Bonding with a laser beam.
In power electronics the phyiscal limit of current carrying capacity using wire bonding will be reached some day. On the other hand with laser welding connections of virtually any thickness can be joined, but it is less flexible due to the requirement for pre-manufactured connectors.
- Expanded application area for precise and reproducible joining of copper or aluminium wire.
- Processing connectors and bonding wires with a diameter up to 500µm
- Robust manufacturing process
- Lower demands on surface quality, cleaning processes and rigidity of work pieces compared to wire bonding
- Bonding on new surfaces and with new materials.